Monday, June 4, 2012

A Little More Info

On my walk home from Soc. Sec. office around the corner.
Bet you've never seen a graffitied mattress before...
During my interview at Social Security this morning, Dr. Shaia called. It was rushed and I wasn't able to look at my list of questions, but here is the info I was able to get:
  • I am likely to get two drugs for chemotherapy: Carboplatin and Taxol in 21-day cycles. 
  • Suggested not waiting too long to start, but that a road trip should be fine. Will have to figure out the timing on that...
  • First 4 to 5 days after infusion main thing will be fatigue. Days 7-10 are high risk of infection.  By second round, hair loss will start. (I mean it this time.)
  • Will start with 6-8 treatments and re-assess mid-way with a PET scan to see how it's working. Six cycles (18 weeks) is the minimum, but could be much longer. 
P.S. I went to the emergency room yesterday. Will write more about that later!


  1. I am so grateful that you have health insurance. Along with many other feelings.

  2. Wow. Thats a lot of information. Hughughug. Maybe you need more hats? Wigs? Hughughug
