Monday, March 26, 2012

Green's and Family and What's Next

Paris, Paulette, Laura, Kathy, Suvanna
I think because my hair is now short, people have commented a lot on how much Paulette and I look alike. One woman suggested we must be mother and daughter and both of us gave her the stink eye so she said, I meant sisters!

Big day yesterday. Brunch at Green's with Julie and Morgan and sisters and niece. Hotels and airport arrivals and departures.

I think my camera broke. The lens won't retract. Cull thinks she might be able to fix it. But she is cruising thrift stores at the mo.


Weds March 28, 10:15am - CT scan 
Thurs March 29, 11:15am - meet w Dr. Tavakoli to discuss CT scan results 
April 5, 10:45am meeting/exam with Dr Nag in Santa Clara 
May 1 TBA - followup with Dr Patel in SSF
End of April TBA - PET scan

Questions for Dr Tavakoli:
  1. First of all a request to be as direct as possible.
  2. Is local metastases somehow better than distant, or are they the same in terms of 'odds'?
  3. Discuss CT scan & moving forward.
  4. Significance PET scan.
  5. What is the best case scenario for my type of Stage IVb AKA uncureable cancer?
  6. A social worker told me that the 5 year goal doesn't really apply to Stage IV cancer...
  7. (From 1st CT scan - "Abnormal gallbladder, with wall calcification and heterogeneous attenuation within it. Ultrasound is recommended for further evaluation." ?)

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