Sunday, February 5, 2012

Suvanna Watch - Day 4, from Sister Laura

Suvanna is in great spirits. She is living her life sorta as usual. She does the doctor appointment thing, sees friends, takes a walk and enjoys life. She rarely complains, though has moments of extreme discomfort that she keeps to herself. She makes me oatmeal each morning and I try to feed her anti-cancer foods. As the treament progresses she is having a hard time keeping organized and remembering stuff. That's where I come in. Not too hard a gig. She is a sweetheart. Suvanna naps often and wears out easily so I don't want to paint too rosey a picture, but she is handling it well.

We are off to a birthday party today and then tofu surprise for dinner. Paulette is visiting on Thursday this week. The doctor regiment starts again on Monday; weekends are freebees. I've attached a pic of Suvanna with her external radiation team for your viewing pleasure.


  1. Hello! I just sent Suvanna an email, so in case she doesn't see it: I'd love to make and deliver whatever food she may be craving (I've been baking bread, and can also cook anything else that fits with her diet). Please let me know what and when to deliver! Love, Brent

  2. Hey Brent, I replied to your email - sounds great, thanks!

  3. Hey -- great writing runs in the Family!
